
Daniel's Tip of the Day, Bed Head Superstar Thermal Blow-Dry Lotion

Okay, lovelies, here's the one big tip with this one...

GO TO TOWN! Yes! Use a lot! Use liberally! I know I always say "build" or take it slow, but this one you can just rock out.

Okay so don't use a whole bottle, but you get what a mean!

To get luscious, volume-tastic locks like little Miss Cruz here...

Layer up on the Superstar Thermal Blow-dry Lotion, then while drying, try to pull your hair as vertical as possible. Maybe even bend at your waist a little bit. The more straight up your hair it, the bigger it will be!

If you really want huge volume, after you blow each section, you can hard set it.

Don't know what this means?

Well, have I got news for you! Very soon in the new year I'll be launching my new website which will have instructional how-to videos for you to use at home! I know you love getting your hair all done in the salon, but you probably don't love paying for it! And why should you! My website will teach you how to do this and every other trick step by step...

So start getting excited!

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